Felixstowe store’s John and Andrew have been busy refreshing their offer
Going to the source is the best way to find out what’s selling well, and that’s where the independent greeting card retailer definitely knows best.
PG takes time each month to chat with the people behind the counters of indie stores up and down the country – here The Card Centre’s co-owner John Barratt and manager Andrew Reid reveal what’s hot in Felixstowe after a busy time refreshing their offer at the spring trade shows.

Nigel Quiney, Pizazz – “It’s a range that appeals to so many different ages, and they do keep changing it so there’s always something fresh. It’s a good price. Several people come into buy four or five at a time – and someone came in the other day to buy 25!”
Cardiau Nico – “The whole collection is so good, we’ve been very pleased with these cards.”
The Art File, Storybook – “These have been really good, people can relate to them. I’d like more cards with musical instruments on!”
Relations & Occasions
IC&G, Jonny Javelin, and Words ’N’ Wishes – “They’re all great ranges, people like the captions, particularly IC&G with their more niche captions which work well. IC&G offers the most captions, from young to old and are also have traditional and contemporary designs – and they’re very good with delivery.”

Paperlink, Bottom Line – “Very good price and value, plus the green envelopes are great. It’s gentle humour, with an edge of suggestion. We have a lot of humorous cards from so many companies, but these have stood out. The Christmas humour was very well received too. It’s not often you get a range of 20 humour cards in and 19 out of the 20 sell.”
Louise Mulgrew, general – “The cute ones tend to go very well for children even though we don’t put them in the kids’ section.”
UK Greetings, licensed – “Star Wars etc, something that both kids and adults know.”

Adult ages
Louise Mulgrew, Safari Party – “We’ve done well again with these, the colours are good, beautiful drawings, and they’re quite trendy – if you see a 70 card it doesn’t look like an old person’s card.”
Art Cards
Museums & Galleries. general – “We’ve just done an order for The Art Of Print, the new everyday range and it’s fantastic. Matthew Williamson, with all the colours, are also really good. And all M&G’s associated products, such as the coasters, tea towels etc are great.”

Holy Mackerel, Alternative Image – “We’ve just placed another order; people just love all the mad old photos, and it’s handy because there’s quite a bit of film and cinema. There is the Wizard Of Oz one which has been really popular.”
Art Angels, Die-Cut – “We’ve just had them in and they’ve gone very well.”
Alljoy Design, Message In A Bottle “They haven’t done a bad one yet. They sit on the shelf afterwards as a keepsake.”

Glick, general – “Great quality for the price, great designs, those three things count.”
Repeat Repeat, mugs – “Their Happiness Is…Being By the Coast is great for Felixstowe, and the Best Cat one too does well. They’re really good quality and have been really good for us.”
These views also appeared in the March edition of Progressive Greetings magazine which can be read online here, or you can subscribe here to receive the magazine by post each month.