Frances Emerald, owner of Calneva, St Leonards On Sea in East Sussex shares her hot sellers. Calneva is a small vintage shop in a seaside town with a loyal local customer base.

Humour: Across The Board from RetroCards
“These are hilarious! I can hear customers having a good old snigger when looking at the cards. There are also some famous faces from the past, and the gay designs are especially popular.”
Contemporary: Mind The Gap, Matchbook and Honey, I’m Home! from Pennychoo
“Nearly a third of my card designs are from Pennychoo. The vintage matchbox ads inspired designs and London Transport signs are fab, as is the new 1950 Americana range featuring 20th century domestic objects.”

Retro trend: Picturama from Lip International
“American retro images that are slightly kitsch. The favourite, a space boy with a butterfly and a ray gun, has sold out.”
Traditional art: General from Visioni
“Reproduced 20th century travel posters on cards showing glamorous faraway locations and romantic modes of transport.”

Giftwrappings: General from RetroCards
Really good, quality wrap, that gives a nice fold, featuring images such as pin-up girls, old film stars, 60s comic ads and retro vinyl record sleeve designs.