“Can I say, it’s about time!,” quipped Bruce Podmore, md of greeting card printer, Windles with a wry smile, as he presented the Wayzgoose trophy to Rob Keen, Woodmansterne’s UV production team leader and star player in the multi-event competition which took place last Friday at Windles’ premises in Thame, Oxon. Instigated by Seth Woodmansterne, deputy md of Woodmansterne as a modern twist on a historic printing tradition (when printers threw an end of summer jamboree when the factory moved over candle power), this year was the third Wayzgooze between the two companies. Woodmansterne puts in two teams – Woodies for its publishing side and Wickies for its warehouse facility – but has lost out the last two years to the Windles team’s prowess across a number of disciplines. This year’s tournament involved rounds of football, table tennis, combat archery, inflatable horse racing and tug-o-war.
Here is just a flavour of the day…

Top: A moment of triumph for Woodmansterne’s Rob Keen (left) who was presented with the trophy by Bruce Podmore, md of Windles at the recent Wayzgoose event.