Answering the pleas from greeting card retailers for an extension to the deadline to enter The Retas 2021 greeting card retailing awards, the wishes have been granted. Retailers now have until Monday 26 April to submit their entries for these significant awards, superceding the original April 15 deadline date.

“While we have received a great number of nominations and entries already for The Retas, with the original entry deadline date clashing with the all-important re-opening of so many of our worthy contenders, it is only right that we give them a bit more time to submit their entries,” explained Jakki Brown, co-owner of Max Publishing, which owns and organises The Retas (as well as Progressive Greetings/PG Buzz).
“There is no denying that the last year has been a testing one for us all, but yet so many retailers have demonstrated true grit, passion and ingenuity in finding new ways of engaging with their customers. Such retailing prowess needs to be recognised and celebrated – and The Retas 2021 awards will do just that,” she stressed.
Retailers can enter via a downloadable entry form on The Retas website.

Last year, due to the pandemic, The Retas did not happen, so there is a doubly good reason that the 2021 awards will really ‘bang the drum’ for the UK’s greeting card retail champions. This year’s Retas will cover retailers’ activities in the period 1 January 2020 – 15 April 2021.
The Retas awards shine the spotlight not only the best independent and multiple specialist greeting card retailers regionally and nationally, but also the multifarious non-specialist retailers that stock cards, as well as retail employees who have gone the extra mile.

All Retas winners will be announced at a fabulous Awards lunch and afternoon event to be held on Wednesday 14 July in the Ballroom of the Grosvenor House Hotel. To be among the best card retailers in the UK as well as some great card publishers, book your ticket online via or contact The Retas’ awards manager Clare Hollick, director of Createvents on 01183 340085 or

In keeping with the thriving passion for houseplants and gardening, as well as our yearn for green shoots of optimism, the theme of The Retas 2021 is The Finery of Greenery!
Talented designer, Lianne Harrison, founder and creative director of Paperwhale Greeting Cards (who reached the finals in The Henries 2020 Most Promising Young Designer or Artist category) has provided the artwork for The Retas 2021, which is inspired by her personal passion for plants.