The dates have been set for this year’s Ladder Club seminars as Tuesday 6 November and Wednesday 7 November. Once again, the two one day seminars, which are aimed at helping both newbie and emerging publishers climb up the ‘greeting card ladder’, will take place in The Ladder Club’s ‘spiritual home’ in the Cliffs Pavilion in Westcliff on Sea in Essex.
The Ladder Club was the brainchild of Lynn Tait, who 20 years ago joined forces with PG’s Jakki Brown to organise one day seminars for card publishers with the support of key trade suppliers, experienced card publishers, retailers, the GCA and other industry experts who give their time to speak at the seminars and offer support through a closed Facebook group.
“Though lovely Lynn so sadly died last June, I feel privileged to be ensuring her legacy lives on in The Ladder Club and am working on the agendas for this year’s seminars that will do Lynn proud and continue the essence of this wonderful initiative,” commented PG’s co-owner Jakki Brown.

The Day One seminar, which will take place this year on Tuesday 6 November will be dedicated to would-be or fledgling card companies. The agenda will cover the rudiments of greeting card publishing – avoiding the early pitfalls, all the production queries and quandaries, how to price your cards, how to get your cards to market, preparing for trade shows and the advantages of being in The Ladder Club! “If you have never attended a Ladder Club seminar before, then this one is for you,” assures Tracey Arnaud, member of PG’s Ladder Club team.

The Day Two seminar is aimed at publishers who have attended a Day One Ladder Club seminar before. It is for publishers who have been trading for a little while, have made their trade show debut and want to know more about growing their business through better economies of scale, agents, licensing, supplying multiple retailers, brokerage, export. “Once again we will be changing the agenda of the Day Two seminar this year to make it interesting and informative for those publishers who have attended previously,” assured Warren Lomax, co-owner of PG.

Delegates are encouraged to arrive the evening prior and attend a relaxed dinner so that the networking gets off to a great start.
To attend a Ladder Club seminar costs £85 (including VAT) (and includes lunch and refreshments). Each seminar fills up quickly and spaces are limited.
To book a place at The Ladder Club seminars and for a list of local accommodation options email Clare Davies or call 01183 340085 or download a booking form by clicking here.
Some of last year’s Ladder Club attendees share their views.