Progressive Greetings’ physical and digital editions all ready to read
The Progressive Greetings’ July 2024 edition has landed, and the digital version has now been uploaded too.
PG July is bursting with product newness galore, industry news and views, retailer perspectives and insightful articles – so why not jump right in!

From the Cardzone team’s honest talk post its Clintons’ acquisition and Noel Tatt’s venture into giftwrappings through to Cardgains’ charity walkers being on the front foot and Stephanie Davies’ collab with Glick, the news pages keep you up to date. Click here to read all about it.

One of the issues publishers manufacturing in the Far East is having to contend with is soaring shipping costs, not to mention shortage of containers and significantly longer delivery times, due to the avoidance of the Suez Canel. To read publishers’ candid views in The Shipping Forecast, click here.

“Will a change in government mean that the UK economy will have the reset they’re always speaking about? Or does the recent drop in inflation to 2% mean that things are in a better place already?” asks indie retailer and PG columnist David Robertson as he questions the economy and how those in the greeting card scene are feeling. Click here to find out more.

Meanwhile, fellow columnist Cardsharp sees a challenging time ahead for so many of us in business as we enter a new political era, but highlights there are still positives to be had, especially as the last five years have not been that kind. To join Cardsharp in the chorus of “Always look on the bright side of life”, click here.

Talking of positives, there were there plenty at PG Live recently. You can relive the joy by immersing yourself in some of the snapshots by clicking here while retailers share their top product picks from the show – click here to see what caught their eyes, with more to follow in PG’s August edition.

UK Greetings made the most of PG Live to launch two significant new collections, each with a different kind of heritage at their heart. Camden Signature is a fresh new take on its longstanding brand while Age Friendly Vibes is a positive spin at how our own ageing features on greeting cards. To find out more about this Positive Heritage, click here.

With decent Father’s Day sales closing off spring seasons for this year, publishers reflect on changing patterns as well as their spring-loaded collections for next year. Click here to read more.

And to see more newness, including ranges and products being launched at Harrogate Home & Gift which kicks off this Sunday, running through to Wednesday, 21-24 July, just turn to the Innovations section by clicking here.

Being an award-winning independent retailer is never a walk in the park but, in the case of Serge Sumerling, owner of indie Nor, it was a perambulation around his local Beckenham Place Park in south London that resulted in his ambitious restoration project, transforming a derelict 17th century workman’s cottage into fabulous card and gift shop. To head to the park with the winner of The Retas 2024 trophy for Best Independent Greeting Card Retailer – London, click here.

Sticking with indie retailers, the ever-popular What’s Hot? section gives four leading indies the opportunity to bang the drum for the ranges that are hitting the spot with their customers. Click here to see which ranges are kicking it.

And, ending on an artistic high, Colorado-based Abby Jacobs has recently joined the Jehane stable to further broaden the reach of her wonderfully varied artwork.
“Some of my earliest memories involve art materials,” revealed Abby. “The smell of the tempera paint and paper in kindergarten. The satisfaction of putting crayons to paper and getting lost in the worlds I created goes back years.” In Art Source, Abby shares her life and loves. Click here to see and read more.
All this and more in the pages of our lovely magazine. Wouldn’t you like to hold them in your hands so you can flick through and read it wherever it takes your fancy? To subscribe now go to, however, if you can’t wait, to read the whole PG July 2024 edition online you can click here.