Marking the end of an era, Really Good and Soul, the two companies founded and owned by David Hicks have, as planned, ceased trading.

Well known for forging his own path, maverick entrepreneur David made the announcement at the start of the year that he would be winding down his two card and gift companies. (
Well, it’s happened. Here, David shares a personal ‘swansong’ in words and pictures…
“Wow. What a year. Apart from ‘you know what’ changing the way we live, and of course Brexit, I figured that nothing lasts forever, including me, so I’ve made some major life changes, just in time I reckon.

Apart from closing down my beloved companies, I’m also moving house, well boat actually, and already have ideas for my next venture, for when I can actually plan something!
I’ve loved this industry. I’ve made some great friends and had some great times. I can only thank everyone for being part of my time in it, and putting up with me.

There are some great stories of course, many of which can’t be told! Some ups and downs. Athena (retail chain) going bust almost broke me was a down, while being part of the change for the GCA and getting my very unexpected Lifetime Achievement Award for gifts were obviously ups.

Thank you to all our lovely customers who have supported us over the years.
Thank you to Lisa Shoesmith, general manager of Really Good and Soul for running me and the companies. Without her things would have been very different.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved with Really Good and Soul over the many years.

I’ve only wanted to change lives, bring a sense of fun and sentiment, and bring some joy, and hopefully I’ve done that.
I’ve done this for over half my life, and now, like a new range, it’s time for something different for me.
Many people have asked me why I didn’t sell up rather than just cease trading like I have. Well the answers are…
- A) Who’d buy a company right now?
- B) I gave birth to my baby, so I felt I should bury it…if you’ll forgive the wording.
- C) I was thinking I’d give it all up in a couple of years, but when I looked at the market, and the currency consequences of Brexit, there was no chance of profitable trade for us for a while.
You’ll see me again, probably walking an exhibition a free man!”

Top: David Hicks on the company’s stand at the Spring Fair this year.