With less than seven weeks to until the Royal Wedding, party good company, Mask-arade is gearing up for the increasing demand for products featuring Prince Harry and his bride Meghan Markle, by pressing the button on 18,000 more masks to be produced this week in its Midlands-based production facility.

Arguably even better news is that Harry and Meghan have trounced Donald Trump as Mask-arade’s best selling masks.
Unable to confirm whether he had scored an official invite to nuptials Ray Duffy, commercial director of Mask-arade said that “the nation is really getting behind the new Royal couple” who tie the knot at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle on May 19. Ray added that “It is great that so many independent retailers have already started planning their ‘Royal faces’ window display to drive footfall.” Further afield, Ray confirmed that a retailer in Germany is “giving away 500 Harry and Meghan masks to celebrate the royal wedding, while The Queens Pantry in Georgia USA, has ordered lots of masks as it will be staging a Royal Tea Party on the big day.”
As well as Prince Harry and Meghan, the Mask-arade ‘Royal collection’ also includes The Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camilla Parker, Kate Middleton, Prince William and even a Corgi!

Retailers are once again able to order directly from Mask-arade (01926 814 292).