Greeting card publishers Louise Tiler Designs and Rosie Made A Thing have both made genuine gestures to help and support their independent retail customers during this time of crisis.
“We really want to help support our independent customers and the high street to ride out this difficult time together,” stated Louise Tiler, founder of Louise Tiler Designs. The publisher has extended its payment terms on all orders placed by independent retailers to 60 days. “Anyone who has ordered from us since March 9 will also be given 60 days from the delivery date to pay for the stock they have in store,” assured Louise.
The company is also offering a 20% discount on all UK independent, online greeting cards orders until June 15 with the discount automatically deducted from the ‘cart’ when placing an order on its website.

Louise took to social media to spread her good wishes to its UK and overseas customers. “Remember to look after each other and those in the community! We hope you all stay happy and healthy,” was the sign off on the positive message.
Rosie Made A Thing is also showing support to its indie customers – both financially and by another potent means – humour. The publisher has peppering its Instagram feed and Facebook page with pertinent designs designed to raise the spirits and engender a feeling of camaraderie.

“Things are really difficult on the high street at the moment and it looks as though things will be getting harder,” states Rosie Harrison, founder of the humorous card publisher confirming that the company is extending all indies’ credit terms to 60 days for the next three months. Any orders placed up until the end of May will be placed on 60-day terms while any independent who has ordered from the company since the beginning of March will also have 60 days to pay for the stock they have in store.

In addition to sending out the wishes that all customers stay healthy and hope that their doors remain open, in typical Rosie fashion her final instruction ends on a humorous note…
“Wash your hands, shop local, and don’t hog the loo roll.”

Top: Louise Tiler and her partner Gavin Nicholas at last year’s PG Live at which the company was celebrating its 5th anniversary.