Leading illustrator and card publisher, Jessica Hogarth has looked close to home for her company’s new rebrand and elements of her new products.

“I wanted to come up with a new logo which better represents my work. My old one, which I introduced when I launched the business in 2012 was quite graphic and not hand-drawn, which is basically the opposite of my design work!” says Jessica. The revised features Jessica’s own hand writing, with a strap-line ‘illustration & surface pattern design’ which Jessica says “summaries exactly what my artwork is about, which is more than just greeting cards.”
Her new logo appears on her new collection, which includes several London-centric designs, one of which includes a nod to Jessica’s brother Jack.

Proud sister, in the top right corner of her London ‘highlights’ tea towel in the Camden Lock area, Jessica includes an icon of a Kolkati ‘hut’, in homage to the Indian Kati rolls business her brother and his partner Kate de Lord started a few years ago after travelling around India. (www.kolkati.com). They have a permanent pitch at Kerb Camden Market (as featured on the tea towel) as well as holding pop-up events around London.
Jack Hogarth and his partner Kate de Lord started their food business Kolkati in 2015 and their Camden ‘hut’ now appears on Jessica’s products!
“Jack and I have always got on really well, but we now have even more to talk about, as we can bounce ideas off each other and advise on certain topics within our businesses,” says Jessica.