Hallmark is now three months into a trial with value grocer Lidl to supply a distinct range of greeting cards into all of the value grocer’s 99 stores in Scotland.
“The first three months of the trial have gone very well and we are now in review,” confirms Amanda Del Prete, managing director of Hallmark UK. The trial involves a range of 60 cards, created by the Hallmark design studio specifically for the retailer, branded as Simply for You. All of the cards retail at £1.00.

From working with its Gold Crown members to retail multiples across the retail landscape, Amanda reinforces that Hallmark’s focus “has to be on partnering with our retailers to enhance their individual strategies, drawing on our product leadership and consumer insights.”
Meanwhile, Hallmark has invited some of its 2,000 workforce to apply for voluntary redundancy to ensure that the shape of its business and cost base is in keeping with what is required in the current climate.
“Our business is really healthy, but we need to ensure we stay competitive,” Amanda told PG Buzz shortly after the news had broken that the Bradford-based publishing giant had invited staff to apply for voluntary redundancy.

“To compete as a global business in a tough retail environment, we’re continually reviewing our operating model and cost structure to ensure we’re focused on the most important work of delivering to our consumers and partnering with our customers, as well as building a sustainable business model for our future,” was the official announcement from the company.
No indication has been given as to the extent of the job losses or the areas of the company in which these are likely to be.
As Amanda said: “Decisions like this are never taken lightly and this approach has been done in earnest as we work to drive efficiencies and results for our business.”
Top: Lidl is trialling a range of cards in its Scottish stores that have been developed by Hallmark.