Danilo’s My First Calendar range, aimed at preschool children, has not only received an official endorsement from the Fundamentally Children organisation, but has also received a thumbs-up from an exacting group of critics – a panel of youngsters who put the product range through its paces.
These non-dated calendars allow children to turn wheels to find the days and months and features a white wipe clean panel on which they can write important play dates and events for the coming week. There are also sections for children to note the season, weather and temperature,
The interactive range features well loved preschool brands of Peppa Pig, PJ Masks and Paw Patrol, with each ‘calendar’ having an RRP of £8.99.5B

Fundamentally Children is a respected organisation dedicated to helping develop skills through play. To gain its stamp of approval, which Danilo is now able to use on the product’s packaging and in marketing, the products were tested by children on at least four separate occasions. The children play with the products or apps in natural settings, observed by professionals who have been trained to carry out research with children in a robust, and ethically responsible way to give valuable feedback that can be trusted.
The organisation’s experts in child development and children’s technology also review the products and provide additional feedback on developmental issues, marketing, product development and user experience.

Among the comments from a four year old tester was: “Mummy, I like picking if it’s sunny or snowy”. Another four year old highlighted another element: “Mummy, I can write the number day on it.”
Delighted by the product range’s official endorsement from Fundamentally Children, Daniel Prince, managing director of Danilo said: “We have always believed that this range is the perfect aid for children learning about time and seasons, and this has now been acknowledged by Fundamentally Children. We’ll be promoting the endorsement through all our marketing channels, creating interest among consumers and driving sales for our customers and though our own website.”
Explaining the reason for the official approval, the experts at Fundamentally Children highlighted that My First Calendar was a great way for helping children learn the days of the week, months and seasons of the year. The products also encourage them to observe the changes in weather throughout each day, which helps develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
* To see Fundamentally Children’s official review go to https://www.fundamentallychildren.com/product/my-first-calendar/

Top: The trio of Danilo’s My First Calendar products.