Card Factory’s investment on the product front, both in store and online, is bearing fruit.
“This is the first time that there will be four major replans of our greeting card displays within the year,” confirms Zoe Proctor, who joined Card Factory last January as its first ever card buyer. “We launched our full replan of our social stationery in February, the new age selection went into store in April, line extensions will follow immediately after Father’s Day and then occasions and miscellaneous,” explains Zoe. “We are delighted by the double digit increases we have seen as a result of the new age cards selection alone,” she confirmed.

The vast majority of the greeting cards that Card Factory sells are designed and produced in-house though it continues to work with branded publishers for humour and character licensed designs.

Karen Hubbard, ceo of Card Factory added that the further strengthening of the creative team, notably with Jo Bennett appointment as creative studio director last March, working alongside longtime creative director Stuart Middleton “who will never let us forget our roots, providing invaluable creative guidance on what a Card Factory customer wants and expects from us – quality and value,” said Karen.“

Although Card Factory still offers cards at the entry price of 29p, its development of more premium ranges, such as Exquisite and Boutique has seen a wider selection at the £1.49, £1.79 and £1.99 price points.
“The average price paid in Card Factory has increased, but it is still under £1,” confirms Karen.
At present half of all Card Factory’s cards are produced in the Far East, but considerable investment in Printcraft, its own UK production facility in Yorkshire is likely to result in “more of the production moving back to UK shores over the next couple of years,” Karen told PG Buzz.

As part of Card Factory’s thrust online, it is trialling designs from publishers which it does not stock in store.
“We have launched with two ranges, including Fruitloops from Heritage Art and Design, and have five more to follow,” confirmed Karen.

Top: The online offer from Card Factory will expand to offer designs from publishers that it does not stock in store.