“It’s gone Boris ballistic!” exclaims a euphoric John Wignall, owner of Really Wild Cards who is fighting to keep up with the influx of orders for the publisher’s soundalike card design (pictured above) in its Politically Incorrect range that features the new Prime Minister. “Boris is now neck and neck with Trump – on our card sales anyway!” John told PG Buzz. “As soon as it was confirmed that Boris had won the Tory leadership, the phone hasn’t stopped for the card featuring him – and there have some sizeable orders.”
John has not wasted any time in scheduling in a recording session with Boris’ voice talent for tomorrow to create a new sound chip that reflects him now being Prime Minister.

Apart from the publisher benefitting from an uplift in sales for this particular design, John suggests that “like him or not” Boris “will bring some razzmatazz back into politics and the country in general. And if he does calm all the Brexit gloom down and puts forward a sensible plan then it can only be good for business in general.”

The new Prime Minister will be receiving a special one off design from ‘Trump’ to welcome him into his new post, that will have the added benefit of flagging up the UK card market and the contribution it makes to the UK economy.

Scribbler is one retailer that has made great play of the political engagement of the nation in its stores and on its online site, publishing own brand card designs as well as stocking branded products.

Commenting on the new Prime Minister’s appointment and his appointment’s likely impact on the greeting card sector, John Procter, co-founder of the Scribbler chain quipped: “Without question Boris as PM is the best result for our industry for the simple reasons that he is a larger than life character and a cartoonist’s dream. Trump drives a ridiculous amount of business for us – enough said!”
As to whether he is the best result for the country, John says “is a mute point – we absolutely need a strong personality and he will hopefully deal with Brexit (with a majority of two?) – but I personally find his arrogance terrifying!”

Top: The Boris design in Really Wild Cards’ Politically Incorrect soundalike range.