Blue Diamond Group has several reasons to blow a trumpet of celebration. Last week at The Retas (July 10), the garden centre group won not only Best Garden Centre Retailer of Greeting Cards, but was also awarded the top accolade of Greeting Card Retailer of the Year in recognition of the complete overhaul of the greeting card presentation in a third of its estate. Moreover, coinciding with its wins at The Retas is the news that the group, which already comprises 30 garden and living centres across the UK and the Channel Islands has just signed a deal to bring another seven centres into family. The latest additions, which look set to join the Blue Diamond Group in September were formerly owned by Wyevale.
“What a crazy, fantastic week it’s been!” exclaimed
Blue Diamond’s category manager Angie Goosen, whose buying remit spans greeting cards, giftwrap, gifts and books. “Having never been to The Retas before, I go home at the end of an amazing day with two trophies – and that’s on top of the news that the deal has been signed on another seven centres being brought into the group.”

This means that Blue Diamond Group will trade from 37 centres, all individual in their approach. While some of the centres’ greeting card displays are run under a brokerage agreement with GBCC other are planned and bought by Angie. In addition, of the newest additions one of the centres includes a WHSmith concession.

Top: Angie Goosen on stage at The Retas’ Greeting Card Retailer of the Year to collect the award from (right) Karen Mace, joint owner of The Art File, sponsor of this category. Pippa Evans (left), host of the event was also all smiles.