Forget fancy subliminal messages with subtle undertones in times of need. Scribbler has taken the ‘bull by the horns’ and rammed home the message to customers in no uncertain terms that they need to get their wallets out, empty their piggybanks and flex their credit cards in shops.
“Start buying stuff or we’re all screwed” is the mantra at the heart of Scribbler’s current consumer campaign, unleashed on posters in the stores’ windows as well as on its social media channels.
As John Procter, co-owner of the business quipped: “This seems an equally appropriate tagline to be adopted by our chaotic Government right now too!”
This marketing, together with other, more quirky incarnations, handwritten on A-boards positioned outside the Scribbler shops, tie-in with the retailer’s dramatic sale, offering products up to 75% off gifts. As window posters detail, with this high level of discount ‘(That’s basically free*) Well, it’s not actually free, but you know…that’s pretty cheap.’
The upfront activity has resulted in a positive response from Scribbler’s many consumer fans who have been taking photos of themselves with the A-boards and posting the pictures on social media. As one customer posted on Scribbler’s Instagram ‘Awww this broke my heart – love Scribbler! Will buy all the cards I need for the rest of the year this evening.’
As John told PG Buzz: “We’ve had a great reaction from the public, who seem to like the approach we’ve taken.”
While he confirmed that “card sales have been pretty good” the sale is intended to help clear out the current gift stock so that the Christmas selection can go on display.
On trade generally, John described it as “patchy”. While, he says “some stores are doing OK-ish”, such as its shops in Manchester and Leeds, trading around 55% of the level pre-lockdown, there are some in central London “that are a disaster, due to no office workers or tourists.”
As John sums up: “It is what it is. We will struggle through, but there are some sizeable bumps in the road.”